Category Archives: Promotional Products

Promotional Christmas Gifts that Can Be Mailed

Promotional Gifts That Can Be Mailed

With Christmas fast approaching, it is a great time for businesses to sending out client gifts as a thankyou gesture for their business throughout the year. Rather than just sending out the stock standard gift of wine or chocolate, why not send something that would actually be of use?! Branded corporate gifts are a great […]

How Do You Conduct a Rebranding With Promotional Products?

Corporate Branded Items

There could be a variety of reasons you decide to rebrand your business. Whether it’s a new venture, a different angle you want to take with your company or your consumers are just not happy with how they perceive the value of your brand, it’s time to shift gears. Rebranding isn’t easy but if you […]

Key Strategies For Getting In Front Of Your Target Market With Promotional Products

promotional merchandise nz

Any business looking to win with their business strategy needs to continually evaluate their marketing and promotional mix. This mix includes direct marketing, public relations, advertising, sales promotion and personal selling. Sales promotions are an integral part of getting in front of your target market. Promotional products, just like any other strategy, need to be […]

Promotional Products That Make You Stand Out From The Crowd

There are thousands of promotional products that can be used to advertise your business. But how can you stand out from the rest with your promotional products? It is all about thinking outside the box, what your recipients would appreciate. Here are some items that can make you stand out from the crowd: Business Gear […]

Why Promotional Products are an Effective Marketing Strategy

In the contemporary marketing era, there is an increasing focus on digital methods of lead generation. However, the development of these new marketing methodologies often means the age old tried and tested methods like promotional items get neglected. Promotional products continue to be a highly effective means of marketing a brand; in fact, they may […]